Mr. Nice Guy? Mr. Macho? Don Juan? The introverted? The aggressive? The depressed?
Toward a healthy masculinity.
This men’s group will give you tools and possibilities for exploring your life as man and fin new ways to find your inner core of healthy masculinity through awarenesstraining on body, thoughts and feelings, theory presentations combained with meditation, yoga, excercises together and individually etc.
Read also my article: “The inner wall” about men, mens’group and inner development.
The men’s group will build a safe space as a frame for your explorations and give you possibility for mirroring on who you are.
The basic module is an introduction, for you, who wishes tools to come close to your self – are curious and want to learn more – or earlier have joined in a men’s group or in a therapeutic course.

Step 1 My current topics
Date: Thursday the 3 of september 7 – 10 PM and
sunday the 6 of september 9.30 AM – 4 PM
What are my actual themes in my life to day as a man? Mr. Nice Guy? Macho? Don Juan? The introverted? The aggressiv? The depressed? Behind this roles lies the nerveous system and controls you. How does the nervous system works? You will learn to regulate your self up and down.
Step 2: My family
Date: 2. – 3. october 2020. Friday 7 – 10 PM and saturday 9.30 AM – 4 PM
My family: Childhood, challenges, relations – mother / father
We silently goes closer to your pain point with accept. To avoid them gives double pain.
Meet what is in you with accept – without fixing it!
Step 3: My surviving strategies
Date: Friday the 15 of october 7 – 10 PM and
Sunday the 18 of october 9.30 AM – 4 PM
My nervous system and my attachment. How do I acchive love in my life and what prevent me from getting it? Do I need to be strong? courageous? Sweet? Helpless?
Step 4: To calm your body and soul:
Date: Thursday the 12 of november 7 – 10 PM and
sunday the 15 of november 9.30 AM – 4 PM
Inquiry, meditation, embodiment, yoga.
Balancing doing and being. You get the opportunity to examine your restlessness, unrest and impatience and maybe get a taste of what healthy calmness can bring you. Maybe you also get the possibility to look at the calmness you get from the unhealthy way, you anesthetizise your restlessness with different activities: food, alcohol, sex, working to much etc.
Every step last 1,5 days and in addition to the teaching there will be some individual sessions in the group.
An hours lunch break on our long workingday.
Group size: 10 – 20
Price: Early bird 2.000 DKK untill the 22 of august.
Then the price is 2.500 DKK. You sign up for the basic module.
ZOOM: I will send you a link
Registration and Payment: Send me an email on with your contactinformation: name, address, telephone, email, then I send you an invoice.
Registration – first come – first served! Latest 1 week before start.
The registration is binding!
Read also my articles:
1. “The inner wall” about men, mens’group and inner development.
2. To be brought back to life again about learning to regulate your nervous system into balance. Læs artikel på dansk om at få lært at regulere dit nervesystem At blive vækket til live igen.